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Using Nature to Reduce Coastal Disaster Risk

Nature-based solutions can protect life and property from disaster risk through the protection, sustainable management and restoration of both natural and modified ecosystems.

Welcome to the Nature Protects People Learning Platform

This platform provides guides and tools based on The Blue Guide for Coastal Resilience. This Guide enables disaster risk reduction practitioners to learn about how nature-based solutions (NbS) can protect people and property specifically in coastal areas. NbS in coastal areas involves harnessing the power of ecosystems, such as reefs and mangroves to reduce the impacts of climate hazards such as storms and coastal flooding. This platform also supports users to learn how to integrate coastal NbS into disaster planning to reduce risks in coastal areas.

Search by hazards or nature-based solutions to find the solution you need to take action to support vulnerable communities reduce the impacts of climate related disasters and adapt to climate change.

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What Hazard Do You Face?

Nature-based Solutions to Reduce Disaster Risk

The Nature Protects People Learning Platform provides guides and tools to DRR practioners and humanitarian actors to implement nature-based solutions to reduce risks to coastal disasters